If you have won an auction item, or purchased a direct sales item, here is what happens next!

  • If there is no purchase order yet, one will be created and sent to you.  Check your spam folder!  If it was a direct purchase item, there will already be a purchase order.  If you won an auction item, you can click on “add to cart” and this will create a purchase order.  Otherwise, we will create one and send it to you.
  • If you are having the item delivered or shipped, please use the CONTACT US form to make these arrangements
    • (NOTE: You can do this before purchasing or bidding on an item to make sure that these arrangements can be made and additional costs involved before committing to your purchase!)
  • If you are picking up your item, please use the PICKUP APPOINTMENT BOOKING page to request an appointment.  Please note that a request does not mean that the appointment is confirmed.
    • You will receive an email when you request an appointment and a second email when the appointment is approved.
    • When the appointment is approved, the pickup location is 134 Ranney Street North in Campbellford.